I may be wrong, but I don’t hear many comparisons of our problems to Kenya, Lebanon, or Bosnia-Herzewhatever. It was interesting to learn of these, but I think mostly we compare Now to Before. And I think the shift is not so much on policy as in what your science calls affective polarization — seeing the other side as immoral or detesting them.

The Democrats view of Republican immorality did this: 35% (2016), 47% (2019), 63% (2022). While the Republicans reciprocated with 47% (2016), 55% (2019), 72% (2022). Where’s that going?

OK, the super-polarized countries are characterized by ethnic, religious or cultural divisions, to me that sounds pretty familiar: Attitudes toward Blacks & Jews, Born-agains, and a 60-year culture war.

While I agree we are nowhere near Civil-War levels, I would have liked to hear more about how CRT/Identity Politics (our side of the culture war) is stoking this.

Personally, I’m not so worried about where we are as where we are going. My political epiphany came in 1972 (50 years ago, when you say we were not so polarized). After 8 years of Black Power (proto-CRT), McGovern admitted I opened the doors to the Party and 20 million people walked out (40% of Dems were lost); talk about swing voters.

I think you’re right, that affective polarization was not as bad. I love learning from Persuasion, but I do wish we were building that fighting community you talked about at the start.

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dj - small letters for "something" -- what experience - outside of your computer screen do you have -- because you ae showing absolutely no clue as to what is going on.

Might try growing up a little before you try wearing "big-boy pants" -- because we, who wear "big boy pants" - have the common sense to know that this election is "no joke".

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Insults are your form of debate? No thanks

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Yascha -- your arguments here and in Part 1 -- would be germane -- if what you are writing had any semblance of relevance about the two US political parties that used to agree - with "Abiding by the Rule of Law" - the Rule of Decency -- and the being decent toward others.

Like it or not -- being a Republican MAGA is to not agree with the three tenets above - plus a hell of a lot more they've walked away from.

The Republican Party has turned itself - by each person's conscientious decision - into Nazis - with their blind / adoring adulation of Donald Trump.

History will tell you the very same thing about Hitler and parts of the German people before WW II.

Trump can't tell the truth if his life depended on it -- he is a habitual liar.

He is totally vindictive - his driving force / hurtful / immoral / racist / traitor to the US Constitution (which he swore an oath as US President to preserve and protect) / a convicted felon / and "sewer wallowing pig" -- the likes that most "thinking" people would shun -- so much like Germany's former Fuhrer, Adolph Hitler.

The entire US Republican Party, by choice - almost to a person -- adore Trump: -- and like the subservient "Lemmings" that they have made out of themselves - have now become Nazis -- just like in Germany before WW II.

The entirely point that you seem to be missing-- either by not looking - or by design - which only you know: -- is that Der Fuhrer Trump and his Nazis followers have stated - in writing in their "Mein Kampf" / Project 2025: -- that they will throw away Democracy; and turn the United States into a Dictatorship -- because that is what Trump wants.

They are actively working to overthrow the US Government as it was set up over 250 years ago - and has become what it is to the rest of the world today -- warts and all -- what keeps it operating as a World of mainly free people trying to live on the same rock.

You are not old enough, as I am now at 80 years "young" - to have seen what I personally witnessed as a young boy; i.e., what was left of your country, Germany -- after the people, and the Military of Germany -- just stood by as Hitler took over.

I know - because I lived in first in Germany and France for 6 years - right after WW II because my father was in the American ARMY - under Gen. Patton: -- before you were even "a thought" in your future parents minds.

You've never experienced the horror of what the Nazis - in Hitler's hate filled regime -- did to Europe and tried to do to Russia with "his Military" - until the US finally got into it - and with the other free Nations -- ended it - which we thought was "for good".

But "we" were wrong - because young people in their inexperience - and now total self-centered indulgence -- have not "taken care of business" as far as World-wide / Right Wing / "Country-First" / Bull Shit -- that has reared it's ugly head again.

You have the audacity to pontificate - with your young inexperienced polls and stuff your quoting - about a Country that you really know nothing about.

You show your total intellectual ignorance: -- because you don't see to write about the raw "in-your-face" parallel between Trump and his MAGA Republican followers; and Hitler and his Nazis. - in "their quest" to rule the World.

I have not read one thing coming out of Germany, or Europe for that matter; except for a lot of "political hand-wringing" (again) - about Austria becoming the center of the Far Right Nazi Sewer (again) - with it's "Austria First" bull-shit.

A suggestion young man: -- write about "cleaning up your own back yard" - before you spend time critiquing the US -- which saved Germany's ass last time.

You had better" -- because "if the US goes down" - as can conceivably happen - because the Trump / Nazis will have taken over the US Government, and thus the Country: the US will not be there to protect your ass again.

Think about that -- because that is what this election is "actually all about".

You are a very good writer and obviously a good researcher - and are doing a lot of good here.

But "on this one": -- your totally "off base" -- and need to "get your facts straight" - before you continue.

Because right now -- what your writing has absolutely no bearing on what is at stake - for both the US - and the World - if Trump wins.

Germany and Europe sure as hell isn't going to pull it out - considering the shape it's/ they're in.

I'll continue to look forward to what you have to say.

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And your sky is falling won’t happen if Trump wins. Harris is just as awful pretending to move to the center but if she wins she’ll go as far left as possible which is also destructive to our constitution —- but neither will be able to do much, our country will remain divided… if Harris wins the D’s will be stuck with her unless there’s an open convention & hopefully the R’s will get a sane nominee.

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Swing voters? Not going to vote for either. Both are equally awful

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